"Mycat" custom patterns
MyCat Custom patterns let you pay a one time patterning fee to have us make and use a custom pattern each time for your cat or kitten.
Level 1: $65.00 Adult fully grown cats
Items: Full fit, All garments, long sleeve, turtleneck and custom clothing. Includes: By email: A template and instructions to measure your cat. We will generate and ship you a fit garment and instructions on how to make sure your cat is properly fitted. You will recieve return postage to send it back to us. If it has to be done more than once there is an additional $20.00 fee for each time. Once is usually enough. We will assign you a code (usually cats name and your last name plus a number) Once we are both content that it is properly fitted, whenever you shop with us, you can select the "MyCat" choice instead of a size, and write in your code. |
Bella is wearing "Tiger & Dragon" Long Sleeved Tattcat. Photo: Jeff Bray
Level 2: $45.00 Young cats who may require it more than once
Items: All garments that are sleeveless or short sleeve. Includes: By email: A template and instructions to measure your cat. We will assign you a code (usually cats name and your last name plus a number) Once we are both content that it is properly fitted, whenever you shop with us, you can select the "MyCat" choice instead of a size, and write in your code. Level 3: $35.00 Kittens who may require it several times
Items: All garments that are sleeveless or short sleeve. Includes: By email: A template and instructions to measure your cat. We will assign you a code (usually cats name and your last name plus a number) Once we are both content that it is properly fitted, whenever you shop with us, you can select the "MyCat" choice instead of a size, and write in your code. |